Digital learning is an important aspect in the 21st century education.
Technology and digital tools are really important for the 21st century classroom. A 21st century educator should be up to date to every possible tool that she can use in her classroom to keep her students engaged and motivated to learn.
This page provides information on a new tool you can use in web 2.0 and how to integrate cellphones in class.

As an introduction for the importance of digital learning the following info-graphics developed by myself, is a summary of how the 21st century education links to the digital learning.
Web 2.0 tool:
Pinterest is a virtual pin board, that allows you to neatly organize
anything and everything that you find on the Internet and share them with
Pinterest users. It has many categories to choose and search
from, including an Education category where teachers can share
resources and ideas with other educators! Pinterest is also popular for Do it Yourself (DIY) material which provides a wide variety of creativity and ideas to create material. This would help teachers to be more creative in their lessons and create attractive lessons and interesting visual material.
In addition this website helps the teacher to save links to websites that she wants to look at but doesn't have the time at that moment so this site allows her to save the link and look at it later on. Pinterest is a great web 2.0 tool because it is a globally-used Web 2.0
tool, and it is like a Web 2.0 tool within a Web 2.0 tool! Teachers
can "pin" other Web 2.0 sites to their Pin Boards, such as blogs,
TeacherTube, TeachersPayTeachers, or any other resource sharing tools!
How to use Pinterest:
Teachers can use Pinterest by searching for specific interest or to find creative ideas and resources for lesson activities and material.
Students can also use Pinterest as a tool to find fun project to do at home or for school,
homework help and tutoring websites, and fun educational sites.
For more information on how to use this site watch the video. Or visit the website:
Teaching with cell phones:
Most people especially educators are against using cellphones in class. But after I have read an article titled Teaching with cell phones, written by Lisa Nielsen and Willyn Webb (2015) and after attending media and technology course I have realized that there are more benefits from using cellphones in teaching than their risks.
How can we integrate instead of hate?
1- Cell phones can increase memory and meaning
making. Cell phones are a huge tool for providing non-linguistic (images and sensations) experience
which is the way the students learn these days and aids the students to
understand through multiple models. (Webb, W and
Nielsen, L. 2015).
For example, after students have studied a short story, in groups they can act out a scene and then use a cell phone to record it. These videos can be shared on social media or on an account specific for the class. Another idea you can ask students to write a reflection on a specific topic and sending it as a text to the teacher or by tweeting using a specific hashtag. Or students might want to take a selfie to show how the speech made them feel and use their cell phone to send the photograph to the whatsapp group or other social media websites.
3- Cell phones provide recognition, teachers can
use facebook or other media tools to
post awards and activities that were done in school this way students feel they
are recognized.
2- Cell
phones facilitate learning on the go this way parents always have the knowledge
of the homework and what their children have for assignments.
One way of how we can use cellphones to facilitate learning on the go is through downloading an application called "Remind" and use it for your class.
Remind is an application that helps teachers save time by keeping their students engaged and on track. It allows students to extend their learning beyond the classroom walls and no need to share your personal phone numbers. Students can be up to date on any last minute changes with instant communication. The teacher can use it to encourage her students, impact and support them. Or even focus on students who need help the most. And effectively collaborate with the parents.
Watch the video to learn how to use it and integrate it in your class or visit this link for more info:
The following information was based on an article written by Lisa Nielsen and Willyn Webb (2015) you can read the article from here:
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