About me

My name is Jessica Melki I graduated from University of Balamand summer 2014 with a Bachelor degree in Medical Laboratory Sciences. In September 2014 I started working with an NGO called Heart for Lebanon (that serves the under privileged and poor people in Lebanon) as a community health educator and now I do health awareness session for grades 1, 2 and 3 and teach math to grade 4. My job made me fall in love with teaching, this is why I decided to enroll in the Teaching Diploma program in Secondary Sciences at Haigazian University.
I enjoy doing art, creativity is part of my life, I love to organize and plan events and decorate for them. And I like to integrate art with science.

My Inspiration:


Me being a teacher now makes me appreciate more my teachers back in the days who not only taught me but also impacted my life and touched my heart. The teachers who have left a mark in my life are my science teacher in elementary school and my biology teacher in middle and high school. Both of them through their technique of teaching lead me to fall in love with science. Their investment made me who I am now. There are many things I have learned from them but the most important 3 things are:

1-  Organization of information. I still remember my science elementary teacher always had the information organized and included different colors. We had to get to class red, blue and green pens to write the important words to memorize in red, the text in blue and other notes in green. This made the lesson more organized and easier to memories and look at.

2- Allow creativity in class. Both of my science teachers encouraged creativity in class especially in project assignments. Through these projects I not only learned the information but also I developed creative skills and discovered that I like creativity through these projects. Through that I learned to encourage my students to be creative and allow imagination because you don't know where it will lead you to be or discover about yourself.

3- Provide application activities for students. I think most of my projects back in school were done for the science subject. Whenever we would learn a new topic, we either would write a lab report about it or have presentations or project assignments. I learned through this experience that hands on activities and assignments are really important in the learning experience.

I hope I will be able to impact my students' lives and touch their hearts the same way they did for me! :)

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