Quote of the day

You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or reject them. 
The only thing you can't do is ignore them!
Here are some quotes that I hope they will motivate, change, inspire your passion and push you forward :)

Education, a Powerful Weapon

Source: https://quotlr.com/image/3436

This quote  by Nelson Mandela is my motivation of why I chose to become a teacher. It is not because of the vacations, and job benefits. I chose to become a teacher because the students are our future generation
They are our future leaders, presidents, and educators.
If students don't learn from our mistakes and get educated then the future will be terrifying, and history will repeat itself, whereas when we educate this generation they can change the world and make it a better place.
The difference between an educated and uneducated child, is that an educated child has hope to do something with his/her life. Education is a powerful weapon because it allows the teacher to leave an impact, transform a person’s life, empower, and help build stronger communities. Students can explore new intellectual and emotional challenges, combat the cycle of inter-generational poverty by improving their chance for employment and higher earnings, and build a better life for themselves, their children, and their future.

Teaching vs. Learning

This quote can have many meanings but I chose it because one of the main important things I have learned in the media and technology course is that the teacher doesn't have to always be the one teaching. Students will have richer experience and more effective learning when they themselves discover some of the information on their own and then they teach it to their classmates. Which is exactly what this quote says! In this process students will learn through teaching and at the same time it will empower them and help develop their communication and research skills. In addition the teacher while she is teaching she can learn a lot from her students. The students are not the only ones learning in class but the teacher is also learning about her students, teaching techniques and professional development.

Never stop!

Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/64384443@N03/6060939392

I love this quote because it reminds me that learning is a continuous process, we never reach a point where we stop learning. Especially as a teacher I have to be up to date to every method, technology and media tool to keep my class engaged. In addition from what I have learned in the technology and media course is that today's students are digital native generation where technology is part of their life. They have adapted a new language and a new mindset different than the older generation. Therefore teachers have to learn the digital natives' "language" to be able to communicate and connect with them. If teachers don't put the effort to continuously learn and adapt to changes, then education will reach a point where the digital natives will not understand and they will perceive learning as boring.
As mentioned in the previous quote: How can we improve in life, change the world and impact lives if we don't take chances, learn and make the needed changes?    

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