Here are some creative ideas that you can use in the following science lessons:
1- The mitosis dance:
In my classes I love to integrate all kinds of activities that can help students of different learning styles to learn and understand. This video is an example of an activity you can use during mitosis lesson for kinesthetic learners. Paper and pencil is not enough for kinesthetic learners, they have to move and touch. You can use this dance as a review for the lesson or to emphasize the different stages of mitosis and students will move as if they are the different parts of the nucleus during mitosis. You can adapt the dance by calling out the names of the phases or even turning it into a game instead of a dance where students form the appropriate moves according to the phases called out.
2- The mitosis song:
What is more interesting and fun other than using songs to learn and memorize information?! This is an awesome song that mentions what happens in each phase of mitosis. You can use this activity in the beginning of the class to introduce your students to the different phases of mitosis. In addition, the song has catchy lyrics which will allow the students to easily memorize the phases with the different changes that happen in each stage just by singing along.
*The Circulatory System:
*The Circulatory System:
1- Circulatory System review game:

The objective of the game is for the students to move all the oxygen tokens from the lungs to the cells and then take the carbon dioxide from the cells and carry them to the lungs. To be able to move forward students have to spin the heart spinner to know how many spaces to move. Also They have to answer questions written on task cards. If they get the answers right they can move forward. The first team to get all his oxygen to the cells and all the carbon dioxide to the lungs, wins!!
2- Heart function picture mounting:
Are you looking for a catchy starter for the lesson?
Here are 3 pictures with captions I posted on the wall at the beginning of the circulatory system lesson to introduce my students to the main function of the heart. By using these pictures I lead the class into a small discussion as a starter for the unit, which is a wonderful interactive method to engage the students and grab their attention and become interested in what they will learn.
3- Circulatory System interactive board:
Interactive boards are attractive visual material that can help students visualize what they have learned and it attracts their attention and motivates them to learn. I made this interactive board to show my students a summary about what they will learn during the circulatory system unit. The board will be posted throughout all the days while learning about the circulatory system.
4- The circulatory System song:
Music is known to be an international language where it can communicate across cultural and linguistic boundaries in ways that you can’t with ordinary languages like English or French. Similarly I believe music is a concept that helps students learn in an easier way instead of listening to the teacher. Especially students in this generation they listen to music while studying and it is part of their everyday activities. Therefore why can't we transform our lessons into songs? This way our students will be more familiar with the lesson and they can relate.
This video includes a song about the blood's pathway in the circulatory system. Out of many songs similar to this video, I chose this song because it uses a popular known song and the composure changed the words to relate it to the circulatory system, this way the students will be familiar with the music but now they will have to learn new lyrics and through that they will unconsciously be memorizing the pathway.
5- The blood's pathway through the circulatory system:
It is hard for students to actually see in real life how the hearts pumps blood but this video provides a detailed pathway of how the blood moves throughout the heart and helps the students to visualize the steps to make the idea more concrete and tangible. This video can be used to explain the steps instead of the teacher drawing the steps and explaining them.
*Animal and Plant Cells:
1- Plant and Animal cells 3D:
Having 3D visuals in class to make the information real and tangible is very important to allow the students to shift from abstract to concrete, from imaginable to real. But what would be more effective is if you assign the students to do a 3D project to illustrate the differences between the structures of the plant and animal cells. Just as shown in the following 2 images. This assignment will aid the students to learn on their own through practical application and it develops their creative skills.
1- Body systems interactive board:
As mentioned before interactive bulletin boards are visual material that can help students visualize what they have learned and it attracts their attention and motivates them to learn. This is an idea of what you can do for introducing the different structures of the body systems, for students to see the differences in structure and know which organ is part of the specific system.
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